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The security and privacy of your personal data is a high priority for us. Please read these terms and the company’s policy on this to learn about our privacy practices. By using our website, you unreservedly accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy has been created in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Through this Privacy Policy, we inform you which information (hereafter “personal data”) we may collect from you, why it will be used, with whom we share this information, and which security procedures we have applied to protect your personal data. The term “Personal data” means any information collected and logged in a format that allows you to be identified personally, either directly (e.g. name, surname) or indirectly (e.g. telephone number, mail address, credit card information) as a natural person. Before providing us with this information, we recommend that you read this document describing our customer personal data managing policy.

For all the services provided by our company, “Controller” of your Personal Data is the company called “MARE NOSTROUM TOURISM ENTERPRISES SA” with the distinctive title “Danai Beach Resort & Villas, as legally represented, with VAT ID 094243901 and headquarters in Nikiti, Chalkidiki. “Processor” regarding the services provided from the online booking system is the company named ‘THE LEADING HOTELS OF THE WORLD’, as legally represented. For more information about collecting and processing your personal data from ‘THE LEADING HOTELS OF THE WORLD’ please read their Privacy Policy.

The ‘THE LEADING HOTELS OF THE WORLD’ operates the on-line booking system on behalf of our hotel, has complied with the GDPR’s obligations and is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the above system.

Personal Data we collect and how we collect them

While in some cases we will ask you to provide us with your personal information, for example, in order to be able to buy services (and we will make it clear to you what we need from you at this time), however, you can visit many pages on our site, without having to provide us with any information regarding your personal data.

We collect personal information at every touch point or guest interaction, and in conducting every aspect of our business, we may collect personal information. This personal information may include: your name, mailing address, billing address, email address, phone number, information related to your reservation, stay or visit, information related to the purchase and receipt of products or services; personal characteristics, nationality, income, passport number and date and place of issue, payment information, such as your payment card number and other card information, guest preferences, marketing and communication preferences, information about vehicles you may bring onto our properties, reviews and opinions (if they are identified or associated with you) and other types of information that you choose to provide to us or that we may obtain about you.

If you plan an event with us, we collect meeting and event specifications, the date of the event, number of guests, details of the guest rooms. We also collect information about the guests that are a part of your group or event. If you visit us as part of a group, we may have personal information about you provided to us by the group and may market to you as a result of your stay with a group or attendance at an event in accordance with your preferences as permitted by law. If you visit us as part of an event, we may share personal information about you with the event planners, as permitted by law. If you are an event planner we may also share information about your event with third-party service providers who may market event services to you as permitted by law.

We may collect your personal data in the following cases:

Danai Beach Resort & Villas collects, stores and uses your Personal Data (IP address, cookies, name, contact details, etc.) that are relevant to you when you visit this site and when you use our services (hotel reservation or restaurant reservation) through our website or by physical presence in our hotel or by e-mail or by telephone and when you contact us by phone, e-mail or through the contact form we maintain on our website or even when you want to send us information in some other way (eg mail) and therefore transmit your data to us for this purpose.

Every transaction with Danai Beach Resort & Villas requires the collection of personal data. Your submission, sending by e-mail or mailing your personal data implies that you consent to such data being used by Danai Beach Resort & Villas and its staff for the purposes stated in this Policy Privacy.

The collection, processing and maintenance of such data is made, as appropriate, in accordance with applicable national and EU legislation and this privacy policy and always in accordance with your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.

Cookies Policy

According to EU Directive 2009/136 / EU, we would like to inform you that our website accepts the use of “cookies” in order to clarify how users have reached our website and to identify recurring generic patterns after the user is on our page. Cookies are messages that the web server transmits to your web browser when you visit web pages. Your browser saves every message in a small file, which will give us information about your last visit to our site. This information is collected and analyzed in its entirety in order to improve the operation, content and overall appearance of our website. Cookies cannot reveal your identity and can not cause any damage to your computer or mobile device. Most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but you can always change the settings on your computer, choose not to accept cookies, or ask you to accept each cookie, but that will limit the range of available cookies to your site capabilities.

How we use your information

We use your personal information in a number of ways, including to provide and personalize the services you request and expect from Danai Beach Resort & Villas, to offer you the expected level of hospitality in-room and throughout our properties.

We are obligated to collect certain data, including your name, address, payment information, and travel document information, in order to process your reservation. Failure to provide this information will result in our inability to process your reservation.

We will use your information for the following general purposes, provided you have given us your explicit consent:

• To complete booking: When making a reservation through our website, we use your information to process the transaction, complete your booking, and provide you with the services you require.

• In order to answer your queries: In order to process your request, a member of our customer service may contact you via email, phone, or otherwise. We may also use your contact information to send you information about a reservation (for example, regarding changes in booking to help you find alternatives) or to respond to the suggestions you might send us (for example on our website and services).

• To improve your experience on our site and to provide you with information about products, services, special offers and promotions: We use the information gathered from the permanent cookie file on your computer (see Par. – Cookies Policy), along with other personal information you provide us, in order to create a more functional site by evaluating content and traffic on that page. We use this information to provide you with a personalized experience so that you can easily navigate our page and display specific products and services that we believe you are interested in. When you enter personal information or make a reservation on our website, we may use this information to contact you to inform you of special offers and promotions. Still, you may be sent newsletters that we believe you are interested in and have agreed to receive. You can change your preferences about the above ways of communication at any time by contacting us (see Contact Us for questions or comments) or by using the unsubscribe link at the end of each email you receive from us.

• For reasons of safety, health, prevention and detection of criminal offenses or to comply with a legal obligation. For the prevention and detection of criminal offenses either against you or against our business or for complying with our statutory obligations towards the Authorities (eg Tourist Police).

• For internal operations and analysis: We can use your personal information for purposes of internal management, analysis, and quality assurance, including fraud prevention. In addition to using the information you provide us to process, verify, and fulfill requests for services you have requested, we may use these data for administrative and data analysis purposes through information management, accounting, billing and control.

With whom we share your information and why

When you use our site and provide personal information, we use this information to complete your booking, fulfill your possible requests and provide you with email, promotional information or information about your reservation. We do not share your information with third parties unless this is required to complete your order and meet requests for your travel arrangements. Such other third parties may be:

– Car rental companies and service providers. All services provided by third-party suppliers are characterized in this way. We therefore encourage you to read the privacy policies of all travel vendors whose products you purchase through any of our applications. Keep in mind that these vendors may also contact you if you need to ask for additional information about you, help with booking your trip or respond to a criticism you have submitted.

– Third-party service providers that provide services or functions on our behalf, including credit card processing, business analyzes, customer service, booking, marketing and fraud prevention. While personal information is not collected by visitors to our site, we monitor user navigation in order to understand the needs of our customers and better serve them in the future. In addition, we can provide anonymous statistical information to selected partners for business, customer service, marketing, and quality, function, and analysis purposes (for example, to analyze consumer habits). Any partner who has access to the above information uses them to serve the above purposes only. We share the information you give us only in the ways described in this Privacy Policy. This may change, but only with your consent. Please note that these third-party service providers may be based in countries where the level of protection they offer for your personal data is not equivalent to that offered in your country of residence. However, we will try to protect all personal information we collect from you, in accordance with strict data protection standards.

– Referral sites: If another website has referred you to this website (for example, through a link you clicked “directed” to this site), we may share some information about you with this referral site. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of all the websites that referred to you here, as we are not responsible for the processing of personal data they carry out.

– We may disclose your personal information to third parties such as our official bodies and our specialized consultants if we deem it necessary to (i) comply with relevant laws, regulations and laws; (ii) enforce our terms of use; our customers or other contractual agreements; (iii) protect our property and rights, as well as our customers and others (for example, from any fraudulent action).

– When making a reservation on our site due to security processes, there is a chance that we share certain personal information you provide us (for example, your name, your credit card number, details of the billing address) to credit agencies reference, payment processors or other third parties for the purpose of verifying this information. If your personal information cannot be verified (for example, if the billing address you have entered does not match your credit card details), we will contact you to inform you that your purchase request has not been confirmed and for we ask you to provide us with the corrected information, if possible, so that we can process your order.

Sensitive information

The term “sensitive information” refers to information related to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life, or sexual orientation, genetic information, criminal background, and any biometric data used for the purpose of unique identification. In some jurisdictions, mobile phone numbers, location data, and information contained on identity documents also are considered sensitive information.

We do not generally collect sensitive information unless it is volunteered by you or unless we are required to do so pursuant to applicable laws or regulations. We may use health data provided by you to serve you better and meet your particular needs (for example, the provision of disability access).

Personal information from children

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 15 years of age. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not to allow your children to submit personal information without your permission.

Security of your personal data

We recognize the importance of protecting all your personal information and we use the appropriate tools to protect them. For example, only authorized employees are allowed to access your personal data and only for the functions that the business allows. In order to protect the information stored on our system, we have implemented various security measures, including data encryption technology and firewalls, so that unauthorized people cannot access your information.

Personal data move across borders

We would like to inform you that your information is processed outside of your country where our servers and our central database are located. Although the current data protection laws and other EU laws are as complete as those required by law in Greece, we reassure you that we make every effort to ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with national legislation and any other relevant legislation in force.

In addition, in order to process your data as described in this policy, we may need to transfer your information to other countries, including for example countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) whose legal framework is in full compliance with the provisions and the level of security required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. We always take steps to ensure that your personal information is transferred, stored and processed in accordance with the appropriate security standards provided for in this Regulation and in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws.

Your rights

As a Data Subject, you have the right to access your personal data processed by our Company and the right to request the correction of any inaccurate data you are referring to (Article 15 of Regulation (EC) 2016/679). Having regard to the purposes of processing processed by our Company in the context of our contractual relationship, you may also require the completion of incomplete personal data, including by means of a supplementary statement to our Company (Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

Right of access – You have the right to access your personal data. You also have the right to receive some information about how we handle your personal data. This information is provided in this document.

Right to rectification – Under certain circumstances, you have the right to correct your inaccurate personal data and fill in incomplete personal data. Please note that we may not be able to correct the inaccurate personal data you have given us and that this change may be charged.

Right to erasure – Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to the deletion of your personal data. This is the so-called “right to be forgotten”.

Right to restriction of processing – Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to restrict the way we use your personal data.

Right to data portability – You are entitled to receive your personal data (or to send your personal data directly to another data controller) in a structured, widely used and machine- readable form by us.

Right to object – You have the right to oppose certain types of personal data handling we apply. This applies to all our activities based on our “legitimate interest”.

Finally, you also have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority. Your personal data is only stored for as long as your account on our site is active. Otherwise, your data will be stored for as long as it is necessary for our company to comply fully with its statutory obligations (Article 23 of Regulation (EC) 2016/679).

Contact for questions or comments

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or if you believe that we have not followed the principles set out in this Privacy Policy, please email us at or use the below contact information: 68088 Nikiti, Chalkidiki GREECE 00302375020400

Changes to privacy policy

Should we change the way we handle your personal data or the way we use cookies, we will immediately update this privacy policy and post it on this site.

Last updated: 17/09/2019

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